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CAD technician

Create 2D and 3D designs for buildings and machinery so that engineers and technicians can test and build their ideas.

Also known as: engineering technician, draughtsperson, CAD technologist, CAD designer

About the job


Source: National Careers Service



Entry level





Entry level





Entry level



These figures refer to this job and similar ones with comparable skills and qualifications. They only apply to Scotland. Source: Oxford Economics

A day in the life – CAD technician

What it's like

You would draw plans and create 3D designs for buildings and machinery so that engineers and technicians can understand their construction.

You’d use computer-aided design (CAD) software to create design plans for buildings and machinery.

You could work in a wide range of industries, such as engineering, construction and manufacturing.

The engineering team would meet with you to discuss what they are planning to build. You’d then create a clear and detailed drawing or model of the item.

The engineers would use it to test their ideas before they build a prototype. The designs would also be used to help prepare cost estimates for projects.

For some projects - for example, a design for a new car - you’d use surface modelling to draw a flat 2D representation.

To create a 3D display of a structure or component you'd use solid modelling. The engineers could then use the model to take a virtual tour. For example, they could ‘go inside’ a new building to decide where to fit electrical cabling or to 'look inside' a piece of manufacturing machinery to see where they could make improvements.

The production staff in the factory would use your detailed diagrams as a guide to make the product; you might need to explain the designs to them.

You'd also write and draw the instructions for assembling the product or create guides for the technicians who do the installation, servicing and repairs.

CAD work could have different names depending on the industry, including:

  • Computer aided industrial design (CAID)

  • Computer aided engineering (CAE)

  • Computer aided styling (CAS)

  • Computer aided manufacturing (CAM)

You would usually work in a small team managed by a design engineer, with each person working on a different part of a project.


You would work 35 to 40 hours a week, Monday to Friday.


You would be based at a design office, working at a CAD design workstation or on a PC.


For construction and engineering design work you might be asked to work on site for part of the project.

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Related industries

Many jobs can be done in lots of different industries. We've highlighted the ones we think are most important for this job.

  • Engineering and manufacturing
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  • Construction and built environment
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Top skills

Skills are things you're good at. Whether you know what yours are or not, everyone has them!

It's useful to learn which ones are important in a job so you know the areas you need to brush up on. It can also help you work out if you're suited to a career.

Here are some of the skills you'll need to do this job:

  • developing a plan
  • attention to detail
  • working with numbers
  • problem solving
  • creative
  • written communication
  • working with technology
  • cooperating

Your skills are important

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Getting in

Explore each section to find more information about getting into this career.

Colleges and universities will list subjects you'll need for entry to a course. Some useful subjects include:

  • Computing Science

  • Design and Technology

  • Engineering Science

  • Graphic Communication

  • Mathematics of Mechanics

  • Physics

  • Applications of Mathematics

You would need qualifications at SCQF levels 4 to 6, a Higher National Certificate (SCQF level 7) or a Higher National Diploma (SCQF level 8).

Or relevant work-based qualifications such as a Scottish Vocational Qualification in engineering or engineering construction (SVQ level 2/3).

Qualifications and experience that show computing skills and an understanding of industrial design such as:

  • Skills for Work Creative & Digital (SCQF level 4)

  • Creative Industries (SCQF level 5)

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